About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Atlantis is the journal of the Spanish Association of English Studies, AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos). Since 1979 it has been publishing peer-reviewed scholarly work in the area of English, covering a broad range of linguistic, literary and cultural topics.
The journal has a decidedly interdisciplinary and international outlook and encourages contributions from across the world. It is open to the multiplicity of cultural, theoretical and methodological perspectives which characterise the contemporary field of English Studies, while also fully committed to offering readers only scholarship of the highest quality. After they have been processed through the journal submission system, including an initial screening by the Editorial Team to ensure their suitability to the journal's scope and scholarly standards, all proposals are strictly double-blind peer-reviewed by experts.
Atlantis is published punctually twice a year, in June and December, and includes articles and book review articles. As from issue 41.2 (December 2019), all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence, and as from issue 42.1 (June 2020), the journal is published online only. The journal is widely indexed and disseminated through international platforms, therefore offering authors full visibility for their work.
Peer Review Process
Atlantis follows a strict selection policy. After they have been processed through the journal submission system, including an initial screening by the Editorial Team to ensure their suitability to the journal's scope and scholarly standards, all articles and book review articles undergo a double blind peer-review process carried out by members of the Board of Referees and by selected external experts.
Publication Frequency
The journal is published twice yearly, in June and December.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The authors retain copyright of articles. They authorise AEDEAN to publish them in its journal Atlantis and to include them in the indexing and abstracting services, academic databases and repositories the journal participates in.
Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), for non-commercial (i.e., personal or academic) purposes only, users are free to share (i.e., copy and redistribute in any medium or format) and adapt (i.e., remix, transform and build upon) articles published in Atlantis, free of charge and without obtaining prior permission from the publisher or the author(s), as long as they give appropriate credit to the author, the journal (Atlantis) and the publisher (AEDEAN), provide the relevant URL link to the original publication and indicate if changes were made. Such attribution may be done in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the journal endorses the user or their use of the material published therein. Users who adapt (i.e., remix, transform or build upon the material) must distribute their contributions under the same licence as the original.
Self-archiving is also permitted, so that authors are allowed to deposit the published PDF version of their articles in academic and/or institutional repositories, without fee or embargo. Authors may also post their individual articles on their personal websites, again on condition that the original link to the online edition is provided.
Plagiarism statement
Atlantis uses the plagiarism-detection software iThenticate by Turnitin®. Upon submitting an article to be considered for publication in Atlantis, authors certify that the article was written by them and in their own words, except for quotations from published and unpublished sources, which are clearly indicated and acknowledged as such. They also certify that they are conscious that the incorporation of material from other works or a paraphrase of such material without acknowledgement will be treated as plagiarism. The source of any picture, map or other illustration is also indicated, as is the source, published or unpublished, of any material not resulting from their own experimentation, observation or data-collecting.
Circulation and Impact
Atlantis is published twice a year, in June and December, and keeps to its publication date punctually.
Atlantis is indexed in the following Thomson Reuters services:
- Arts and Humanities Citation Index®
- Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities
- Emerging Source Citation Index
- Social Sciences Citation Index®
- Journal Citation Reports
- Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences
Atlantis is also indexed or abstracted in the following databases and directories:
- RESH, Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
De Gruyter Saur
- International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR Online)
- International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and the Social Sciences (IBZ Online)
- Academic Search Complete
- Fuente Academica Premier, Humanities
- Humanities Abstracts
- Humanities International Complete (HIC)
- Humanities International Index
- Linguistics Abstracts Online
- MLA Directory of Periodicals
- MLA International Bibliography, published by the Modern Language Association of America
Elsevier BV
- SCIMAGO Journal and Country Rank
- Academic ASAP
- Expanded Academic Index ASAP
- General Onefile
- Informe académico
- Infotrac Onefile
- Literature Resource Center
- Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL)
- CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
- Literature Online (LION)
- Periodical Index Online (PIO)
- Periodicals Contents Index (PCI)
- Sociological Abstracts
Other abstracting and indexing services
- A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
- American Studies Journal Directory
- Bibliography of European Journals for English Studies (BEJES), European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
- CARHUS Plus+
- CIRC Clasificación Integrada de las Revistas Científicas
- CWTS Journal Indicators
- DICE Difusión y Calidad Editorial de las Revistas Españolas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
- DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
- Eigenfactor
- ERIHPlus, European Reference Index for the Humanities
- Google Scholar Metrics
- Índice H de las Revistas Científicas Españolas según Google Scholar Metrics
- JSTOR Integrated Digital Platform
- Journal Scholar Metrics
- MIAR Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas
- REDIB Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico
- ROAD Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
- YWES The Year’s Work in English Studies (Oxford Journals)
- Ulrichsweb (Online)
Atlantis holds the Quality Seal for Excellence in Academic Journals awarded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (2014-2017, extended up to 2018; renewed for 2019-2021; renewed for 2022-2023; renewed for 2023-2024) (Sello de Calidad de Revistas Científicas Españolas, FECYT). Atlantis has also been awarded a quality seal in "Good editorial practices for gender equality”.
Bibliometric indicators
Database |
Impact Factor/ |
Rank/category |
JIF: 0.405
JCI: 0.74 |
Ranking by JIF: Q4 (166/194) (Linguistics). Percentile: 14.7 Ranking by JCI: Q2 (120/383) (Language & Linguistics). Percentile: 68.8
SJR: 0.159 |
Literature & Literary Theory: (120/982) 87th percentile Language & Linguistics: (422/1001) 57th percentile Linguistics & Language: (477/1078) 55th percentile Cultural Studies: (457/1203) 62nd percentile |
SJR: 0.16 |
Q1 (Literature & Literary Theory) |
Linguistics: C1 (13/80) 37.76 |
Quality Seal 2014-2017, extended up to 2018; renewed for 2019-2021; renewed for 2022; renewed for 2023 |
CNEAI criteria: 16/19 |
not applicable |
CARHUS Plus+ |
not applicable |
Category B (Philology, Linguistics and Sociolinguistics) |
not applicable |
Category A (Arts & Humanities) |
Criteria: 31/38 |
not applicable |
ICDS: 11.0 |
not applicable |
IPP: 0.32 |
not applicable |
Google Scholar Metrics |
2023 version of Scholar Metrics (period 2018-2022):H5-Index (9); H5-Median (13)
not applicable |
Back copies
As from 2020, Atlantis is published online only.
Back print issues are available (12€) through the Managing Editor, Beatriz Valverde (bvalverd@ujaen.es).
Sources of Support
Journal History
Founded in 1979, Atlantis is the Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN). Over the years it has evolved from its original role as a national journal, serving as publishing outlet for Spanish scholars in the field of English, to become a fully international publication, with an Editorial Board of recognised experts and publishing contributions from around the world.
Atlantis has been edited by Dr Antonio Garnica Silva (1979-1983), Dr Javier Coy Ferrer (1984-1988), Dr Catalina Montes Mozo (1989-1991), Dr José S. Gómez Soliño (1992-1996), Dr Santiago González Fdez-Corugedo (1996-1998), Dr Rafael Portillo (1999-2002), Dr José Antonio Álvarez Amorós (2003-2005), Dr Angela Downing (2006-2011), Dr Isabel Carrera Suárez (2011-2014), Dr J. Camilo Conde Silvestre (2015-2018), Dr Mireia Aragay (2019-2021) and Dr Jesús Nieto (2022-).