Section Policies


Articles published by Atlantis must be the result of research. They should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words and, ideally, would have the following sections, although these need not be explicitly indicated in the text:

1. An introduction providing the context of the research and formulating the research question to be substantiated.

2. A brief review of the relevant bibliography, justifying the validity, originality and scientific interest of the hypothesis or research claim in the light of existing scholarship on the subject.

3. The body of the article, in which evidence and facts prove the hypothesis or substantiate the research claim.

4. A concluding section, in which the contribution made to scholarship is neatly delimited and emphasized.

It is highly desirable for articles to have a sharp, clearly-stated focus, with aims made explicit from the outset and every section contributing to show the validity of the research and of its conclusions.

Book review articles

Book review articles are substantial reviews covering a number of related books. They should aim at offering a comprehensive analysis of the literature on a specific topic or field through summary and comparison of at least two published books with either complementary or contrasting views. At the same time, they are expected to incorporate the author’s assessment of the volumes in terms of their relative value and scope, as well as to indicate directions for future research. Review articles should therefore include a bibliographical revision of previous publications, a critical assessment of the debates involved and a description of the contributions made by the authors of the books to the main topic. The journal especially welcomes review articles of books which have appeared within two years of the date of submission. Review articles should be between 4,500 and 6,000 words long. Objectivity on the part of the reviewer is essential. Formal aspects such as style, layout, critical apparatus, reference system, etc. should comply with the journal’s guidelines.

Book reviews and Interviews

The last book reviews and interviews to be published in Atlantis appeared in volume 40.1 (June 2018). The journal Nexus, the former newsletter of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN), accepts both reviews and interviews. Please visit or contact the editors for further information.