De Héroes y Villanos: Semantic and Lexical Borrowings from English into Spanish

  • Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas Universidad de Alcalá
  • Cristina Tejedor Martínez Universidad de Alcalá
  • Esperanza Cerdá Redondo Universidad de Alcalá


The presence of English as a global language in the lexicon of the languages of Europe is undeniable, Spanish being no exception to this general trend. The increasing impact of English on the European Spanish word-stock is evidenced by semantic and lexical borrowings. The aim of the present article is to study such semantic and lexical borrowings from English into European Spanish. In order to carry out the research, examples were retrieved from the sub-corpora of tourism and fashion, both part of the ANGLICOR corpus and its associated database. Following identification, the examples were analyzed qualitatively following Gómez Capuz’s classification (2004). The results of this analysis reveal, on the one hand, the fact that semantic borrowings may belong to the category of adjectives as well as the category of nouns. In the case of lexical borrowings, on the other hand, only nouns or noun groups, following various patterns, were recorded.

Author Biographies

Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas, Universidad de Alcalá
Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas is a Professor of English at Universidad de Alcalá. Her research interests are chiefly in the field of lexicology and semantics. She has contributed to international journals, such as Cahiers de Lexicologie, Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, English Studies, English for Specific Purposes, Nordic Journal of English Studies, Studia Neophilologica and Moderna Sprak, among others. As an author, she has written monographs and coedited others. Likewise, she has published chapters in volumes edited by international publishing houses. She has also carried out research at the Universities of Glasgow, Sheffield, Berlin, Limerick and Oxford.
Cristina Tejedor Martínez, Universidad de Alcalá
Cristina Tejedor Martínez is a Senior Lecturer at Universidad de Alcalá. She has edited several books, and published a number of articles and book chapters on lexicography, lexicology, semantics, English for Specific Purposes, English as a Second Language and contrastive linguistics. Her contribution to the compilation of two bilingual dictionaries (English-Spanish) is also worth mentioning. She has coordinated and collaborated in several research projects. Besides, she has been a member of the advisory board of several journals, such as Resla, RAEL-Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada and International Computer Assisted Language Learning.
Esperanza Cerdá Redondo, Universidad de Alcalá
Esperanza Cerdá Redondo is a Senior Lecturer at the Universidad de Alcalá. She currently teaches English and Contemporary North American Poetry in different graduate degree courses and Curriculum Design in postgraduate studies. Her main research fields are comparative linguistics, translation and North American literature. She has published several articles, edited two books and has participated in different research projects related to these fields. Her latest publication is Huguet, Montserrat and Cerdá, Esperanza (eds.). Miradas encontradas. Sociedades y ciudadanías de España y Estados Unidos (2019).


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