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23.2 (2001)



• María Isabel BALTEIRO FERNÁNDEZ "On the Status of Conversion in Present-Day American
English: Controversial Issues and a Corpus-Based Study"

• Joaquín COMESAÑA RINCÓN "Decoding and Encoding Grammatical Information in
Adjectival Entries: Processes and Cases"

• Benilde GRAÑA LÓPEZ "Argument Structure: Thematic Roles and Linking"

• Lorena PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ "Metaphor-Based Cluster Models and Conceptual Interaction:
The Case of Time"

• Félix RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ "Spanish Contribution to American English Word-Stock:
An Overview"

• María Isabel SANTAULÀRIA "A Reclamation of Masculine Space: Wilbur Smith's
Manipulation of Space in the Courtney Saga"

• Oleg TARNOPOLKSY "Teaching Etiquette Communicative Behavioral Patterns to Students
of English as a Foreign Language"

• José María TEJEDOR CABRERA "What's in a Word? Or a Minute Minute Encounter"

• María de los Ángeles TODA "The Construction of Male-Male Relationships in the
Edwardian Age: E. M. Forster's Maurice, H. A. Hackell's The Hill, and Public School Ideology"

• Celia WALLHEAD "The Story of Jael and Sisera in Five Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century
Fictional Texts"




• Manuel BARBEITO VARELA "A Conversation with Terry Eagleton"

• Pilar CUDER DOMÍNGUEZ "On Black Canadian Writing: In Conversation with
George Elliot Clarke"

• Marisol MORALES LADRÓN "‘Writing Is a State of Mind Not an Achievement:
An Interview with Bernard Mac Laverty"




• Ramón ESPEJO ROMERO "Death of a Salesman, de Arthur Miller, reestrenada y
reeditada en España"




• Pamela KING and Clifford DAVIDSON, eds., The Coventry Corpus Christi Plays,
by Josefa Fernández

• Fernando CEREZAL, Manuel MEJÍAS, and Jane JONES, eds., Reflexivity and Interculturality
in Modern Language
Teaching and Learning
, by Antonio R. Roldán Tapia

• Jasone CENOZ and Ulrike JESSNER, eds., English in Europe: The Acquisition of a Third
, by Elsa Tragant Mestres