12.1 (1990)
• Manuel BREVA-CLARAMONTE "-Ing Variation in Pre-Noun Modifiers"
• María Luisa DAÑOBEITIA "Rôle-Playing and Rôle-Taking: A Study of Coriolanus"
• Blanca LÓPEZ ROMÁN "Transformaciones del Macbeth shakesperiano durante el siglo XIX"
• Mireia ARAGAY i SASTRE "Satire Betrayed: A Look at Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four"
• José Ramón DÍAZ FERNÁNDEZ "Jean Rhys y Wide Sargasso Sea?"
• Margarita ARDANAZ MORÁN "Emily Dickinson o el juego de la palabra esencial"
• Viorica PATEA "El camino iniciático en The Bell Jar"
• María Paz KINDELÁN "The Cult of True Womanhood"
• Benigna Margarita GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ "A Conversation with Allen Ginsberg"
• Angels CARABÍ, Toni Morrison: búsqueda de una identidad afroamericana, by Javier Coy
• Humphrey CARPENTER, A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound, by Juan José Lanero
• P. N. FURBANK and W. R. OWENS, The Canonisation of Daniel Defoe, by Juan José Lanero