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24.1 (2002)



• Marta AGUILAR PÉREZ and Elisabeth ARNÓ MACIÀ "Metadiscourse in Lecture Comprehension:
Does it Really Help Foreign Language Learners?"

• Ruth BREEZE "Attitudes Towards Learner Autonomy Among Spanish University Students"

• Eva CODÓ OLSINA "Managing Understanding in Intercultural Talk: An Empirical Approach
to Miscommunication"

• Francisco COLLADO RODRÍGUEZ "The Profane Becomes Sacred: Escaping Eclecticism in
Doctorow's City of God"

• Manfred DRAUDT "The Comedy of Hamlet"

• Ramón ESPEJO ROMERO "Death of a Salesman, de Arthur Miller, en España durante
los años 50"

Eva SAMANIEGO FERNÁNDEZ "La variación y la metáfora terminológicas
en el dominio de la economía"

• María José GONZÁLEZ RODRÍGUEZ "La incidencia de la dimensión contextual en la
producción del título periodístico"

• Rosa María JIMÉNEZ CATALÁN "El concepto de competencia léxica en los estudios
de aprendizaje y enseñanza de segundas lenguas"

• Virginia LUZÓN AGUADO "Film Genre and its Vicissitudes: The Case of the Psychothriller"

• Teresa MORALEJO GÁRATE "Composite Predicates and Modification Flexibility
in Middle English"

• María Jesús SÁNCHEZ MANZANO "Discriminación de grupos de conocimiento y
adecuación de las pruebas con las que se realiza"

• Esther SÁNCHEZ-PARDO GONZÁLEZ "The Textual Unconscious and its Effects: Aggression
and Reparation in H. D.'s Work, 1935-1948"

• Janet STOBBS WRIGHT: "Law, Justice, and Female Revenge in 'Kerfol,' by Edith Wharton,
and Trifles and 'A Jury of her Peers,' by Susan Glaspell"




• Balz ENGLER and Renate HAAS, ed. 2000, European English Studies: Contributions
towards the History of a Discipline
, by Rüdiger Ahrens

Op. Cit.: Uma Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos/A Journal of Angloamerican Studies
3 (2000), by María Isabel Balteiro Fernández

• Barbara A. FENNELL 2001, A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach,
by Juan Camilo Conde Silvestre

• Ana María MANZANAS and Jesús BENITO 1999, Narratives of Resistance: Literature and
Ethnicity in the United States and the Caribbean
, by Mar Gallego Durán

• Olga FISCHER and Max NÄNNY, eds. 2001, The Motivated Sign: Iconicity in Language and
Literature 2
, by Daniel García Velasco

• Juan Antonio PRIETO PABLOS, María José MORA, Manuel J. GÓMEZ-LARA, and Rafael
PORTILLO, eds. 2000, Thomas Shadwell: Epsom Wells, by Santiago González

• Paul LAUTER and Ann FITZGERALD, eds. 2001, Literature, Class, and Culture: An Anthology;
Paul LAUTER and Ann FITZGERALD, eds. 2001, Instructor's Manual, by Ana Manzanas Calvo

• Ian Frederick MOULTON 2000, Before Pornography: Erotic Writing in Early Modern England,
by María O'Neill

• Daniel DEFOE 2000, Robinson Crusoe, by Carmen Toledano Buendía