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26.2 (2004)



Pedro Jesús Marcos Pérez (1924-2004)


25 years


• Words of Greeting from the AEDEAN Presidency and the successive General Editors
from the foundation of Atlantis in 1979




Gretchen Dobrott Bernard, "Flannery O’Connor’s Written Correspondence:
An Inside Glimpse at the Forging of Art and Persona"

• Ana Ibáñez Moreno and Ana Ortigosa Pastor, "A Semantic Typology of Causative
Accomplishment Movement Verbs and Their Argument-Adjuncts in Role and Reference Grammar"

Fiona MacArthur, "Embodied Figures of Speech: Problem-Solving in Alice’s Dream of Wonderland"

Javier Martín Arista and Ana Ibáñez Moreno, "Deixis, Reference, and the Functional Definition
of Lexical Categories"

Esther Sánchez-Pardo González, "'What Phantasmagoria the Mind Is':
Reading Virginia Woolf’s Parody of Gender

Carlos Silva Campañón, "Through the Looking Glass: America in Martin Amis’s Money: A Suicide Note"



• Auxiliadora Pérez Vides 2003: Sólo ellas: familia y feminismo en la novela irlandesa contemporánea,
by Rosario Arias Doblas

María Rosario BUENO LAJUSTICIA 2003: Lenguas para fines específicos en España a través
de sus publicaciones (1985–2002)
, by Ana Bocanegra Valle

• Fernando Galván, intr. 2003: Paradise Lost, de John Milton, by Clara Calvo

• Ángeles de la Concha y Raquel Osborne 2004:  Las mujeres y los niños primero: discursos
de la maternidad
,  by Silvia Caporale Bizzini

• Ann Johns, ed. 2002: Genre in the Classroom: Multiple Perspectives, by Ana Díaz Galán

• Francisco Fernández y Begoña Montero Fleta (2003): La premodificación nominal en el ámbito
de la informática: estudio contrastivo inglés-español
, by Silvia Gamero Pérez

• Daniel Pastor García, ed. e intro. 2003: The Red Badge of Courage:
An Episode of the American Civil War
, de Stephen Crane, by Aitor Ibarrola Armendáriz

• Ewan Fernie 2002: Shame in Shakespeare, by Jesús López-Peláez Casellas

• John D. Sanderson, trad. y ed. 2002: El trueque (1622), de Thomas Middleton
y William Rowley: Alicante como escenario del teatro jacobeo
, by Daniel Nisa Cáceres

• Gabriella Mazzon 2004: A History of English Negation, by Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez

• Miguel Ángel Martínez-Cabeza 2003: The Study of Language beyond the Sentence:
From Text Grammar to Discourse Analysis
, by Soledad Pérez de Ayala