6.1-2 (1984)
• Catalina MONTES "Un viejo
glosario inglés-español, primer y método rudimentario
de aprendizaje"
• Bárbara OZIEBLO "Jerzy Kosinski's Relationship to Language"
• A. Robert LEE "Getting Uncivilised: Huckleberry Finn as Moral Experience"
• Paul S. DERRICK "The Emergence of Historical Consciousness in The Waste Land"
• Rosa CASTILLO "La luz y la música en el arte de William Golding"
• Harry N. HEINEMANN "The Twenty-First Century and Its Implications For Higher Education"
• J. F. GALVÁN REULA "On Reality, Fantasy and Fiction: A Conversation with Salman Rushdie"
• Terry EAGLETON, Literary Theory, by Luis Javier Martínez Victorio
• Miquel BERGA, Mil nou-cents vuitanta-quatre: radiografia d'un malson, by Fernando Galván
• Román ÁLVAREZ, Origen y evolución de la novela histórica inglesa, by Javier Coy